Holdon To Selfhood In A CommunityOur endorsement of selfhood should not be defined by any club, group, or community.Feb 24Feb 24
When We Find We Actually Know A Lot (compared to people at the same age)At 34, I’m single with friends who don’t ever ask me to hang out until I dial the number.Feb 22Feb 22
Cognition Neuroscience Study on YouTube Killer’s CaseThis article is some research on why a killer is standing behind the fourth ‘supposed victim’ for five seconds but turning around and…Feb 21Feb 21
Not So Science, But There Is A Rare Scientific CaseFetus in fetu- A growing creature inside an eight-month-old baby.Feb 20Feb 20
Will I Be Targeted For Feminism?Andrew Tate has 11.6 billion viewers, so I’m sure I won’t be noticed, let alone be targeted.Feb 19Feb 19
Betterment Burnout- Rewards SystemBetterment burnout affects the functions of reward systems, working memories, and circadian systems. In this podcast with article, I focus…Feb 18Feb 18
How Repeating ‘Letting Go’ Prevents You from Truly Letting GoProlonged meditation causes mental burnout.Feb 17Feb 17
Published inILLUMINATIONAlign our daily habits with the brain’s natural rhythms. 2 well-known morning habits from successful entrepreneurs don’t work for us based on scientific evidence.Feb 8Feb 8
Published inILLUMINATIONScientific Conversation Makes "Love" Live TogetherLove Can Be Not Blind.Feb 7Feb 7