A Compromise I Will Never Make with Life
I will never compromise with my self-doubt, negative remarks from society, and fear of not earning anything back from my efforts.
I keep writing to at least become an underrepresented voice on the stage of a piece of stone, instead of a nonexistent silence.
I married the words out of blind love with acute mind, with no sparkling ring, official certificate, honeymoon sunshine, newborn crying in a lullaby, or soft ‘good night’ kiss that promises a brighter tomorrow.
I appreciated I had two nephews whom I had already seen as my kids upon seeing them through the glass window. I felt blessed to make an effort to live a life in my name, not in the name of ‘face the reality’.
I desire to interact with a breathing mind expressing their perspectives in an ambitious tone, frantic hand gestures, and caring for creative humanity. I hope to see a similar sparkling reflection from other people’s eyes.
There is no boundary of learning in nowadays society.
But there is a boundary to pursue a life goal inside the heart.
I cross boundaries to have the life I want to achieve.
There was no retirement for writers because being a writer is a life. I will someday make a compromise with the prejudice and criticism of society while cultivating my writing, sharpening my critical thinking, and twittering about irreplaceable human creation.
Something I hope I can hold with a pen.