Hi, have you gotten into the MPP? I saw your article and tried to please Medium to offer me a way, here's my gist of email,
I quit my job and started taking online literature and writing classes. It's been five months and 12 days, I've been writing and commenting on Medium.
Now, I finally reached 115 !
However, I have friends from the U.S. and they're living there now. Could I ask for their help? What should I do?
And then the staff member responded me this,
At this time, there is no way for us to legally and compliantly support paying anyone outside of those supported countries as earning Partner Program writers, including countries that Stripe currently supports in "preview/beta" mode, like Brazil and India.
If you are in one of those countries, you will not see your country available as an option at medium.com/creators, nor will you have access to the Partner Dashboard.
There are no workarounds that Medium endorses or can effectively or legally support outside of the process at medium.com/creators. This includes non-Stripe payout services, using the banking information of friends or family, or the employment of VPNs to create Stripe accounts in supported countries. If you do any workarounds, you run the risk of never being able to receive your earned money and potential tax problems.
We apologize for this and assure you that expanding our payout options beyond Stripe is one of our top priorities. We want creators in all countries to be able to join and earn for their work. And as a non-Partner, your stories are still eligible for additional distribution.
Very long and cold rejection. I had to eat Häagen-Dazs to comfort the hurt....