I'm so happy this article wasn't members-only, so that I can have the honor to read it.
Every words resonate with me and I feel less burden and obsession with the past trauma. Now, I'm also doing my favorite thing- writing and like you said, damn the consequence.
I've saving for 10 years and have my own house. It's time to pursue my passion. I agree with you as human, we'll never be satisfied with the moment we have right now.
I remembered I couldn't wait to move out to study in college in my early 20, but now whenever I see the wrinkles on my parents' face, I feel so painful and value the time we spend together, and value I still can call their numbers and have responses.
I once wanted to revenge some people that have higher authority and exploit my rights , now I want to feel the pain and transform it into words. Keep moving on and let things happen and then learn something from them