LinkedIn Pointed Out ‘Adaptation’ was 2024 Most Important Job Skill
I could ‘adapt’ to try writing grant writing, technical writing, or business strategies…, but I could only start writing out of the motive for being a writer.
As an influencer, he is successful in adapting to think of content with no boundary to ‘enrich’ viewers’ tastes. He makes a fortune by standing out among millions of competitors.
At 31, ‘Good night, chick’, which I translate from his channel’s name, has 129,000 subscribers on YouTube in Taiwan, and his live videos have become a part of the daily lives of all these subscribers. According to the report, he earns $15,940 per month, whereas the average earning in Taiwan is $701.
A report about one of his videos showed him trespassing in an abandoned building and ‘a homeless person was living inside’ and chasing after him with a knife. After he ‘survived’ this insane danger, he took out a product from his sponsored company to ‘steady’ his ‘traumatized’ mind.
The audience teases, ‘It’s made up in scripts.’, yet still loyally follows the show on every Thursday.
This scenario is nothing new in the world. Crazy people are supported by a crowd, which is a resource for making money.
This time, he went abroad to a different country, Cambodia, and performed his old trick— being chased by a psycho murderer in an abandoned site. Without the protection of his mother, who reportedly is a politician in Taiwan, the Cambodian government was furious.
They exposed his privacy insisting on not blurring out his face, revealing his real name and all the detailed background. He would be locked up in Cambodia’s prison enduring the punishment of a country he defamed on YouTube.
There were two tables of fake costumes, weapons, Halloween masks, bloodstains, and rusty T-shirts… signaling his work of becoming a lucrative influencer.
A shred of criminal evidence looked like a preparation from a fraternity to welcome a new member.
Upon seeing this news, I felt sorry, then miserable, and then numb for myself. No matter how much I have been working on, the reward could not even afford a creepy plastic doll mask.
Then The writer's path newsletter about ‘My Best Article Has 0 Views.’ came into my email on the very next day. I somehow regained the motivation to click open a file and keep writing, sharing, and reading for the next inspiration.
Not only because he achieves a milestone that can speak for itself through writing persistently under pressure, frustration, and depression, but he also turns all the negatives into positive words sincerely.
He encouraged others while he was also crying inside his heart.
Enlighten others could eventually enlighten ourselves.
Simple and average, not a frantic overnight hit, not an academic research discovery, I write the articles like me, an average person who was insecure about money, afraid of loneliness, but still typing under a table light.
It’s a pilgrimage for writing. And there’s no views, no sounds, no milestones, even no water in a pilgrimage.
But I will continue the journey and adapt to the heat, cold, and barren land and actively interact with rare encounters of critiques and lessons while keeping my passion for words intact.