Polyamory is better than Polygamy?
The Difference
Both polygamy and polyamory involve multiple partners. However, polygamy is often non-consensual, with women feeling jealousy and self-pity towards each other for loving a man who may not be faithful.
On the other hand, polyamory is consensual, where all partners are well-acquainted and share a bond akin to sisterhood. Often, these individuals are raised within specific religious or cultural beliefs that view such relationships as normal.
In Greenhaven, this family is polyamory based on the fundamentalist Morman religion.
Horror Potential
- The family lives in a desert 200 miles away from Salt Lake City to escape the rules of the law system.
- Mother and daughter are simultaneously pregnant by the same man.
- Their babies were born on the same day. One was born with Down’s syndrome, and the other one died in a fire three years later in Green’s home.
- On the wedding day, the man touches his 14-year-old teenage wife’s belly while teaching her how to get a baby.
- The 11-year-old son’s girlfriend is his 51-year-old father’s sixth wife.
One Man, Six Wives
Tom Green, a 51-year-old devout Morman, believes that every wife is chosen by God and brought to him.
1st wife: Linda was married at 14 when Tom was 35.
2nd wife: Shirley married Tom at 15 one month after Linda.
Divorced already: June, Shirley‘s mother.
3rd wife: LeeAnn, June‘s daughter, so she is Tom‘s stepdaughter.
4th wife: Carrie.
5th wife: Hannah, Cari‘s sister.
6th wife: Candace married Tom at 17 when he was 51.
With all the sister wives, there are 29 children.
Illegal Practice of Religion
All the wives married Tom in a sacred religious ceremony with their parents’ permission.
According to their religious belief, the more wives a husband has, the higher his status in heaven.
They live on the outskirts of South Utah to practice their religious belief freely. Each wife has a trailer where they have a bedroom in it. Each night, the wives decide who will spend the night with Tom.
“It’s a woman’s choice. It’s more about our rights and our freedom.” Cari, Tom‘s 4th wife, said, “We get to decide when we’re going to have sex with Tom.”
No, it is just a normal family from their perspective.
“Tom is a great man. It would be selfish to have him for my own.”
“We’re happy to have another sister wive because it’s like having a new friend, and more babies will join this family.”
“We all try to be pregnant at the same time!”
“I want what Tom wants, and I love other sister wives.”
“I might be jealous, but I will try not to be. Because it only makes me feel more sadness.”
“Every woman doesn’t only marry Tom but also the entire family. We enjoy engaging in building a new relationship with a new member.”
How Tom Sees Every Wife?
“I find I relate to each one of them differently.” He said.
“Linda is level-headed, mature, intelligent, and has a fantastic memory.”
“Shirley is a devoted and diligent mother. She’s a lot of fun to have around.”
"LeAnn keeps life really fun for the family and me. I really like the way she dresses. I get a thrill just out of watching her walk by." (I see..., a man love school girls' uniforms...)
“Cari is such a stalwart. She works her heart out for this family without complaining, ever. We’ve never had any argument for this eight-year marriage.”
"LeAnn keeps life really fun for the family and me. I really lie the way she dresses. I get a thrill just out of watching her walk by." (I see..., a man love school girls' uniforms...)“Cari is such a stalwart. She works her heart out for this family without complaining, ever. We’ve never had any argument for this eight-year marriage.”
“Hannah is an amazing girl. She’s athletic, strong, competitive, and extremely committed to this family.”
How do They Survive?
Tom used to be in a dry cleaning business. Now the family supports themselves by selling magazine subscriptions door to door in Salt Lake City. They make eight-hour return trips once a week.
The wives can manage to sell the subscriptions with their children accompanying them. Normally, what they earn on that day can afford the entire family for at least three days.
They also earn money by accepting radio interviews or documentary filming. All 29 children were home-schooled by their mothers.
Two Cents Thought
Although all the girls seem to be content with their lives, they love Tom and also love one another. They all have the same quality: born in a poor family with more than 12 children and married Tom at a very young age
They got married right after finishing junior school education.
Tom let them know that he had an interest in them, and wanted them to let him know if they had the same interest in him. Before they married Tom, each of them would spend a few weeks with the entire family to decide whether it was a life they wanted for the rest of life.
They believe it was their decision to marry Tom, but I wonder how much knowledge and life experience each of them acquired to make their own decisions instead of listening to their parent’s advice.
Were there any other choices for them? Were they not affected by the sister wives and relieved to have other similar-age girls to share the burden of housework?
Is it appropriate for a 30-ish adult male to show his admiration for a 14-year-old girl? As adults, we should know better than minors, especially those who are under-educated and living in a miserable family.
Moreover, now all their children are reclusive from the outside world and receive education from their young mothers.
What will they learn except for being dragged around by their mothers while sitting at a flattened wheel, finding things to play among the abandoned metals and steel, and wandering around in the desert surrounded by trailers?
Futile Future?
The beginning and last shots sadden and horrify me. One of the children, who is 11, said he wants as many wives as possible and is now dating Candace, who will be his father’s sixth wife.
When the reporter asked the boy why he liked Candace, he said that she could read fast, and he had never seen anyone read that fast. However, as Candace was asked to introduce herself, all she did was smile in embarrassment and ask, “What should I say?”
Then the reporter led her to answer the questions like, “What’s your name?”, “How old are you?”, and “Where are you from?”
Meanwhile, his father, Tom was already over the moon and couldn’t wait to marry 15-year-old Candace when she turned 16.